Politicians Crack Me Up
Recently, someone left the following comment on this post.
Vote for and support Judge Al Johnson for Alabama Supreme Court, Place 3. Judge Johnson is a Christian, he owns a gun, and he is a Democrat. http://www.aljohnson4supremecourt.com
I don't like campaign spam, so I visited the site with the full intent of making fun of Judge Johnson. After all, what's the fun in merely deleting a comment?
There it was for all the world to see. His campaign slogan really is, "I'm a Christian, I own a gun, I'm a Democrat." Seriously. You can't make this stuff up! My first thought was that it sounded like the Gun Toting Liberal was running for office. My second reaction was a mental picture of this guy robbing a bank while using his campaign slogan. Then I imagined it as a missionary's slogan. Then I imagined it as a threat against the U.S. Congress. The more I repeated it, the funnier it got. Considering it was late, and I was sleepy, it was pretty darn funny.
"Mr. Johnson, give us one good reason why we should pass your legislation."
"I'll give you three. I'm a Christian. I own a gun. I'm a Democrat."
Is that like Guns & Moses (a nod to Robin Williams)? Sounds dangerous.
Turns out, Dan at Between the Links took notice, too. Mike even graced us with a particularly humorous comment:
Vote for and support John Q. McWhitey for Inconsequential State Office That Should Be Appointed Anyway, Place 12. McWhitey’s slogan is generic and unoffensive - “I’m a sentient, carbon-based, bipedal humanoid, I stand for values you stand for, and I remind you of your grandfather.”
Ah. Good stuff.
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