Friday, January 20, 2006

A Trip Down Memory Lane: Part II

I'm going to add (for now) the link to my old website to the right sidepanel. I'm also going to add a poll for a couple of weeks. You'll find it at the bottom of the right sidebar. I'm going to let you guys decide whether I should keep it up or trash it. Personally, I'd like to keep it, but I don't intend to update it, and I don't plan on renewing the domain registration. I can still host it for free on Geocities (or elsewhere). The only real reason that I want to keep it is for the posts that I made back then, because it gives some insight into my background. From a writing standpoint, I've tried to maintain a certain level of credibility and integrity, and deleting these comments may give some people the impression (not to mention, the ammunition) that I have something to hide. Maybe I can host them on this blog. I'm a lot newer to this whole blog concept than most, so if anyone has any suggestions, by all means feel free to share.

I'd like to take this opportunity to comment on some of my previous posts, found under "Mindless rantings...". (I was trying to be poetic on the opening page.) I'll start with October of 2004. I think this is around the time that I really started to get angry at President Bush. If any of you know me personally, you'd know that I was a heavy supporter (with some exceptions) up until about January of 2004. It slowly went south from there, although I think I'm starting to warm up to him again... just a bit. I remember starting the site as a place to vent my anger, so most of the posts from October 2004 consists of unapologetic (and sometimes unfounded) Bush-flaming, giving the impressions in that first month that I might be a "liberal." But upon closer inspection, I can see that I had issues with both candidates, even in that first month.

I particularly like the post from October 28, where I suggested that all of the presidential debates take place in "Tough Crowd" style with Colin Quinn as the moderator.

Let the five of them go at it. You'd see Cheney punch Bush for contradicting him and Quinn punch Kerry for not giving a yes or no answer. At some point, it would turn into an all out brawl between Bush, Cheney, Kerry, and Quinn with Edwards trying to stop it. Edwards would later start handing out business cards for personal injury lawsuits.

On a personal note, I think this is also when I started my cake decorating phase in life. (I still decorate, but I ended up getting so much business that I decided not to do it professionally. It's fun, but physically, it's exhausting when you have more than three cakes a week and you are working out of a home kitchen.)

Next week, I'll comment on my posts from November 2004.